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What a great and informative morning at WATT!

What a great and informative morning at WATT!

What a great and informative morning at WATT! Kicking things off, Roya Athanasopoulos dazzled us with her fabulous jewelry transformations—turning those forgotten treasures in your drawer into stunning, wearable art! Then, Dyan stepped up with some thrilling news: she’s your go-to for setting up dreamy cruises and land adventures, and guess what? She’s got the inside scoop with hotels and travel companies, so she gets paid by them, not you. Plus, she’s planning a sensational Seine cruise for WATT sisters!

Dawn jumped in next, giving us a sneak peek into the fascinating world of food origins—can’t wait for her full presentation in a couple of weeks! Marcy brought some eye-opening insights with a recent poll revealing that family-owned and small businesses hold the crown for being the most trusted. Wrapping things up, Leslie posed a thought-provoking question on the nature of good and evil and teased us about her upcoming talk on brewing beer with reclaimed water. Cheers to that! What a morning!