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Bringing Medical Supplies to AZ

Business Sales and M&A Specialists

Every Arizona hospital, clinic, physician’s office, skilled nursing facility, and assisted living facility faces a shortage of medical supplies needed to protect and treat their workers and their patients and residents.

The supplies exist – the shortage stems from a lack of money.

ProtectAZ is purchasing those needed supplies, locally and overseas, and giving them to Arizona healthcare providers and first responders.

We are purchasing those supplies with donated money. You can help fight the coronavirus here in Arizona by doing the following:

  1. Go to and donate. Any contribution helps.
  2. Forward this email to as many people as you possibly can. We need a lot of people participating, as well as dollars to make all of this happen.
  3. Then call your closest friends and relatives and tell them what we’re doing. Call them today. COVID-19 statistics are still rising, so time is precious.

Through our combined efforts, we will make a difference in the health and lives of those who live here. The humanity and care we show one another in this trying time will be evident in our generous giving.

Thank you in advance for your contribution, emails, and phone calls to others, and your willingness to be a part of the solution.

To donate, visit