Upcoming Events
11/5/2020 Virtual Family Offices…and Why You Should Have One
Thursday, November 5th at 1:30PM, Chris Zeches managing Partner of Zeches Wealth Management talks about a virtual family offices.
Register here –> https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwvdOuurT0sH9DzqsnIvl_osmJh9kZuDc2m <–
11/19/2020 An Overview of Business Brokerage
Thursday, November 19th at 1:30PM, Max Wagner gives us an over view of Business Brokerage.
Register here –> https://zoom.us/j/92815519461?pwd=SzFIdm9vT1Iwcy9EWkRQdmxlNVBrUT09 <–
12/03/2020 Everything you need to know about a business escrow, and didn’t know to ask?
Thursday, December 3rd at 1:30PM, Annette Anderson of Arizona Escrow & Financial Corporation will be our guest on the Delta Business Bite webinar series. Everything you need to know about a business escrow, and didn’t know to ask?
Register Here–> https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwqce6rrz4uHtFPIS3ZYB1rUlFvq4s3SK-P <–
12/17/2020 Tiffany House with Gift Planning and Exit Strategies
Thursday, December 17th at 1:30, Tiffany House of Exit Preparation, LLC gives us an over view of Gift Planning and Exit Strategies.
Register Here–> https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAscemgqDIuGNDYHfbEOAgfh1ZgWuCJuJoq <–